Appetizers Gluten free Snacks Tapas

Lunchtime Lime with Bea Jimenez and the Spanish Tortilla

You know how I love food, not only because of the physical nourishment that it can provide, but also the nourishment to the soul, and the connections and and wisdom that it can offer.

So, when, during the pandemic a fired of mine suggested that I join a platform called Lunchclub, I simply assumed that it was just that…a place to meet people and have lunch. It turns out that it has nothing to do with lunch…audit a professional platform like linked in to meet with professional who have similar experiences. Well, I was kind of bummed…but quickly turned it into a lunch club by inviting my connections to make their favorite recipes with me. It was a wonderful project for me! I met s many beautiful people around the world and got to cook their favorite recipes!


Mi abuela siempre decía que el mejor regalo era la salud. Y yo sonreía sabiendo que el mejor regalo era ella. 

También decía que todo en esta vida tiene solución menos la muerte, y ahora se que tenia razón. Ella paso por mucho, una guerra civil, la muerte prematura de su marido y mucha pobreza, pero siempre estaba dispuesta a hacer tortilla de patatas. Quiero pensar que su tortilla era su manera de hacerme feliz porque ella sabia que puedes ser feliz con muy pocos ingredientes. 

Como sabía que yo era muy impaciente y quería comerme la tortilla enseguida, ella me la escondía y me decía que tenia que ser paciente porque la tortilla siempre sabe mejor al día siguiente. Y es verdad, os reto a que lo comprobéis vosotros mismos, ¡la tortilla al día siguiente sabe mejor! A veces en la vida solamente necesitas ser un poco paciente. 

My grandmother always said that the best gift was health. And I smiled knowing that the best gift was her.

She also said that everything in this life has a solution except death, and nowadays I know she was right. She went through a lot, a civil war, the premature death of her husband and a lot of poverty, but she was always ready to make a potato omelet. I want to think that her tortilla was her way of making me happy because she knew that you can be happy with very few ingredients.

As she knew that I was very impatient and she wanted to eat the tortilla right away, she hid it from me, and she told me that she had to be patient because the tortilla always tastes better the next day. And it’s true, I challenge you to check it out for yourself, the tortilla the next day tastes better! Sometimes in life you just need to be a little patient.